red box diamonds.


shop with confidence

Accurate Grading:

Each Red Box Diamond® comes with a grading report from an independent lab or a comprehensive report from Stuller. We guarantee our reports provide accurate grading information. If you feel your Red Box Diamond® with a Stuller report is not accurate, we will exchange or refund your purchase within 30 days from the date of purchase. At any time in the future, should the diamond purchased be graded by any of the following independent gemological laboratories (GIA, AGS, HRD, IGI or EGL) and the grade of the stone disputed, we will exchange, refund or adjust the price of the Red Box Diamond® in question.


Guaranteed Value:

When you are ready to upgrade your Red Box Diamond®, we can help by offering a phenomenal Trade-Up Program. You can have confidence that the diamond you are purchasing will hold its value over time. When you are ready, you can trade in your Red Box Diamond® for a stone of greater value and receive a credit toward your new purchase of a Red Box Diamond®*.

Purchasing Your Dream:

Whether you are purchasing a diamond engagement ring, an anniversary gift or a special reward of diamond jewelry, you deserve the best. Red Box Diamonds® offer you more than you imagined possible. Every purchase of a Red Box Diamond® is a brilliant choice.

A Guarantee Above All Others:

Each Red Box Diamond® is a unique gift of nature, meant to be cherished for a lifetime. It is our responsibility and our desire that you be perfectly satisfied with your diamond purchase. If you are not satisfied, for any reason, return your diamond to your jeweler within their specified return policy guidelines, and your purchase will be refunded, no questions asked.

Free Loss Protection for One Year:

To help ensure your purchase is properly protected, all Red Box Diamonds® come with free loss protection for one full year. This provides you with worldwide coverage against theft, loss, or mysterious disappearance. Free coverage of the Red Box Diamond® begins on the postmarked date of the registration form. There is no deductible.

In the event of a loss, simply return to your retailer for a replacement. This helps to guarantee that you will receive the same quality merchandise as you originally purchased.

Secure Identification:

You can have peace of mind that the diamond you purchased is unique. Each Red Box Diamond® comes with the added security of a unique identifier. A laser-engraved number, matching the grading report, is etched on the girdle of the stone. This number allows for proof positive identification.

Custom engraving is available. You can inscribe a secret message of love on your diamond for a nominal fee. Ask your retailer for details.

*Red Box Diamond® benefits applies to most diamonds weighing 3/8 carat and larger. Stuller, Inc. reserves the right to modify or discontinue benefits at any time. Program benefits are not combinable with other offers.